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We support your research

Researchers at AAU can get assistance from the library with information searching, reference management, questions about copyright, as well as all aspects of research registration, -publishing, and -dissemination. We are ready to assist every step of the way!

SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clock


We support your research

Researchers at AAU can get assistance from the library with information searching, reference management, questions about copyright, as well as all aspects of research registration, -publishing, and -dissemination. We are ready to assist every step of the way!

SearchBranches and opening hoursUse the library round-the-clock

Primo Research Assistant

The library is launching an innovative AI-based assistant that helps answer academic and research-related questions using the library's own resources, complementing traditional information searches. You type in your question and the assistant finds up to five relevant sources and provides an answer based on them. It also provides a search in Primo that can be used to find additional literature to further explore your topic.

Try out Primo Research AssistantRead more about Primo Research Assistant