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Li­bra­ry cour­ses for your stu­dents

Do your students need knowledge and competencies regarding information searching, copyright, or reference management? We are ready to assist!

Li­bra­ry cour­ses for your stu­dents

Do your students need knowledge and competencies regarding information searching, copyright, or reference management? We are ready to assist!

The information specialist at the University Library teach at numerous study programmes at AAU. We have extensive theoretical and practical experience, and can teach your students:

  • How to search for scientific information for projects and papers.
  • Search techniques and methods
  • To document a systematic search and provide clarity and structure
  • To select relevant databases and retrieve scientific articles
  • Where to find valid scientific sources for projects
  • To provide the students with an overview of relevant sources within their field of study
  • To use RefWorks for drawing up good and correct references and bibliographies
  • About copyright and plagiarism
  • Standards

Would you like to sign up for or request a library course?

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Library tour - get to know your library!

You can make arrangements for a tour of the university library for you and your students - e.g. in connection with Study Start. Alternatively we can send you some material about the library and its services to students and staff.

Contact Ulla BujeContact Mette Korsgaard Jørgensen